Z dniem 1 października 2019 r. Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania zmienił nazwę na Wydział Ekonomii, Finansów i Zarządzania.
Aktualna strona Wydziału Ekonomii, Finansów i Zarządzania »
Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
i Zarządzania
ul. Mickiewicza 64
71-101 Szczecin
tel. (+48) 91 444 1801
Autor: Grazia Calabrò 713
Strony: 713-722
pdf pełen tekst


The transformations that have characterized the economic systems of many countries around the world have allowed for the production and consumption of enormous quantities of goods which, together with the development of transportation and technology, have encouraged the growth of trade and the expansion of markets. This has resulted in a remarkable uniformity in the characteristics of commodities, the consumption patterns as well as the life style of humans and, thus the future innovation of products. Amongst the widespread globalisation of food and in the era of globalisation and e-commerce, a demand has grown for local products which have historical, cultural and economic value. The success with the global marketing of Italian products has stimulated the development of a phenomenon of counterfeiting Italian appearing products, an illegal commercial practice which deceives consumers and damages producers. The aim of this paper is to analyse the social and economical impact that counterfeiting has on the Italian market and the initiative created to fight against this phenomenon.

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