Z dniem 1 października 2019 r. Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania zmienił nazwę na Wydział Ekonomii, Finansów i Zarządzania.
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Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
i Zarządzania
ul. Mickiewicza 64
71-101 Szczecin
tel. (+48) 91 444 1801
Autor: Magdalena Joanna Pętlak 83
Strony: 83-97
pdf pełen tekst

Medical Information Flow in the Virtual Health Care based on the Game Theory

Meaning of medical information and steering of this information increases due to the system changes in information society coming from transformation between industrial society and information society. This transformation is an outcome of ICT progress and effect of dynamic information society development. Health economy as the very complex system requires introduction of market rules requiring unique mechanism and consideration of economical categories. Those rules require due to the patient lack of knowledge and competencies, modern steering approach supporting decision processes. This article introduces the role of games theory in the processes steering the behavior in complex health situation and economical meaning of patient-provider relation on the base of author’s criteria of applied information.
Keywords: healthcare, information system, virtual environment, flow of information, medical information, control

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