Z dniem 1 października 2019 r. Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania zmienił nazwę na Wydział Ekonomii, Finansów i Zarządzania.
Aktualna strona Wydziału Ekonomii, Finansów i Zarządzania »
Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
i Zarządzania
ul. Mickiewicza 64
71-101 Szczecin
tel. (+48) 91 444 1801
Autor: Magdalena Andrzejewska, Anna Stolińska 115
Strony: 115-127
pdfpełen tekst



For several years, you could observe the evolution of technology in web services. One of the consequences is using a wide range of new mechanisms that allow the surfers release internet creativity and allow them to be involved in the process of shaping and enrichment of network resources. Participation in the creation of informational materials (often audiovisual), the ability to: share ideas, insights, criticism, comments, meet new people, implementation of joint projects – all this makes the random population of internet users turn into communities. Therefore social networking appeared and although initially they were focused on students of specifi c schools, groups of friends or just friends, then as the course of time the inspiration for their establishing became the tasks performed, carried out jobs. This article attempts to assess the degree of evolution of the educational portals on the web starting with informational sites to the themed social networking sites, in which not only technologies like Web 2.0 play important roles, but also the formation of relationships and a sense of belonging to a social group. Evolution is a complex process, the result of multiple factors, and hence an attempt to defi ne indicators for perceiving the partial or complete transformation of web sites.

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