Z dniem 1 października 2019 r. Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania zmienił nazwę na Wydział Ekonomii, Finansów i Zarządzania.
Aktualna strona Wydziału Ekonomii, Finansów i Zarządzania »
Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
i Zarządzania
ul. Mickiewicza 64
71-101 Szczecin
tel. (+48) 91 444 1801
Autor: Urszula Zimoch, Marta Hozer-Koćmiel 117
Strony: 117-128
pdf pełen tekst


The authors of presented article seek answer to the questions: whether women have the same role in Information Society like men have. How strongly women’s position and status in IS differs in chosen European countries? The analysis was made for 8 European countries that take part in WINNET8 project under INTERREG IVC programme.
Information Society was created for the general population, without gender or age division. Development of information technology was ushered by men, mostly due to the popularity of technical education among them, however Information Society cannot be mentioned if not the participation of the half of world’s population, women.
The specification of IT sector and results of presented research give the idea that in some EU countries women truly need a support in the IT sector. The support may include different forms of EU projects and programmes, or even a reform of educational process for young women and men. To avoid “breaking an open door”, sometimes it is enough to identify good practices and implement them in the regional or national level. Role models are countries where informatisation is a real heart of social life: Finland, where the government guarantee access to the Internet to all citizens, or Sweden, where there is no need of census due to the fact that all required data can be found in electronic data bases.
It is extremely important that women take active part in the process of informatisation of the country, that they are mindful and active users of information and new technologies. The ability of using information and processing it, computer skills and knowledge of Internet services, without a doubt, highly increase the standard of living of the whole population.

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